As a family, gathered around Jesus for
A Modern Expression of the Ancient Faith, Serving Georgetown, Central Texas, and the World.
“Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
Jesus of Nazareth
Lenten/Easter Schedule
Wednesdays, March 12-April 16, 6PM Lenten Suppers : Meet for dinner and discussion
Tuesday, March 25 at 6:30PM Feast of the Annunciation : Bishop Reed will join us to celebrate this special day!
Thursday, April 17 at 6:30PM Maundy Thursday Service
Friday, April 18, Good Friday Services : Services will be held at noon and 6:30PM
Saturday, April 19 at 10PM, Easter Vigil
Sunday, April 20, Easter Services : Services at regular worship times, 8:30AM and 10:45AM
302 Serenada Drive, Georgetown, TX 78628
Worship at Light of Christ
8:30-9:30AM First Eucharistic Service
9:45-10:30AM Christian Formation and Children’s Discipleship Classes : available for K-6th grade
10:45-Noon Second Eucharistic Service
8:20AM-12:10PM Nursery : available for ages 0-5
4:30-5:30PM Confession and Healing Prayer : Fr. Kurt available at office unless otherwise noted here.