Our Leadership
“Whoever wants to become a leader among you must become a servant.”
The Rev. Kurt Hein
Rector (Lead Pastor)
Before becoming rector, Kurt served as a hospice chaplain for over two years. He grew up just south of Austin in Driftwood, TX, home of the world famous Salt Lick BBQ. Kurt has engaged in Gospel mission throughout the world, including Honduras, Thailand, Ukraine and more. But God has called Kurt to preach the Gospel specifically in Georgetown, TX and to declare the incredible grace of God in Jesus which transforms us to reach out in love and hospitality to our neighbors. Additionally, Kurt loves bass guitar, beaches, BBQ, beer, his beautiful bride and three boys.
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Lawrence Dena
Assisting Clergy
Bishop Dena assists Fr. Hein in teaching and preaching together and leads African ministry at Light of Christ. Together with his wife Jane, he offers pastoral care especially to families and married couples.
Before moving to Jarrell, TX, Bishop Dena retired as Diocesan Bishop of the Anglican Church of Kenya, Malindi Diocese in 2021. He lives with Jane, his wife of 44 years. Together they have 4 children and 11 grandchildren. He received a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Asbury Theological Seminary and has extensive teaching experience. Learn more about Bishop Dena and his ministry here.
The Rev. Adam Gosnell
Assisting Clergy
Father Adam assists Father Hein in teaching and preaching. He also manages much of the congregation's administration and technology. Fr. Adam is the Founder and CEO of JethroXP (a nonprofit that provides executive-pastoral support to Christian charities), the lead developer of The Liturgy Generator, and the Director of Operations at Isaiah Forty.
Fr. Adam holds a Bachelor of Arts from Ouachita Baptist University and a Masters of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He lives in Jarrell, TX, with his lovely wife, Rebecca, and their four children. In his free time, Fr. Adam enjoys playing chess, spicy food, and is an avid indoorsman.
Deacon John Brewer
Deacon John Brewer assists in the preparation and administering of the services and with various other ministries. He was ordained February 2010 and has served in churches in Florida and Texas.
Deacon John and Toni have been married for 30 years and have four children and six grandchildren. They currently live in Briggs, Texas with their daughter and granddaughter and plan to enjoy country living doing “farm” activities. John is an avid reader and enjoys woodworking, RV camping, water parks and spending time with family and friends.
Dr. Dennis Leedom
Licensed Catechist
Dr. Dennis Leedom is a Licensed Catechist in the Diocese of Fort Worth and assists in the coordination of visitation and outreach, including Lay Eucharist Ministry. Before becoming Anglican, he was ordained in another Christian tradition in 2013 and endorsed as a healthcare chaplain to minister to terminally and critically patients and their families. He has served with Baylor Scott & White Healthcare as a staff chaplain since that time.
He has been married for nearly 40 years, raised two boys, and lives in Georgetown, Texas. Dennis received his PhD in Psychology in 1989 from George Mason University and completed additional training in Christian counseling in 2003. He is currently completing a two-year program of Anglican studies at St. Paul’s House of Formation. After 47 years of military research, he was called in 2012 to focus on helping others to address spiritual distress in their lives. His primary interests are teaching and writing.
Our Mission
“Light of Christ Anglican Church is a modern expression of the ancient faith. As a family, we are gathered around the Word and Sacrament, empowered by the Holy Spirit, for prayer, mission and discipleship to serve Central Texas and the world.”
We want to be known for…
...beautiful, liturgical, Christ-centered worship.
...connecting people to small groups where they find meaningful community through discipleship while looking outward to make a difference in their city and the world.
...joyfully planting other churches.
Working globally and locally to make a difference
We support Simple Sparrow Care Farm, a local non-profit that provides therapeutic and farm education programs and services for all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to learn, grow, and heal through safe relationship in caring compassionate community. Find out more at https://simplesparrow.farm/
We, as part of the Anglican Church of North America, are members of the Global Anglican Future Conference, which represents millions of Anglican across the globe. You can find out more at http://www.gafcon.org
We have several small groups who meet throughout Williamson and Bell Counties for prayer, fellowship, and teaching. Each group discovers and commits to a specific mission within their unique community. To learn more contact us.
Our Commitments
“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
First and foremost, we follow Jesus Christ as our Lord in the power of the Holy Spirit. As the Anglican C.S. Lewis observed:
A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher…You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.
Second, to follow Jesus in the Anglican way means to take Christian unity seriously and to seek to embody a Mere Christianity. In other words, we want to major on the majors and minor on the minors. As a result, much diversity exists within Anglicanism, yet we stand on the following four principles (known as the Lambeth Quadrilateral):
The Holy Scripture, Old and New Testament, is our authority and foundation because it contains all things necessary to salvation.
The Creeds (specifically, the Apostles and Nicene Creeds) are the sufficient statement of Christian faith.
Baptism and Holy Communion are central to Christian life and worship.
We follow the historical model of Church governance known as the episcopacy. A bishop is the chief pastor over pastors in a certain region and over deacons who serve the Church. This model is adapted to differing cultural contexts.
Finally, for a more in depth look at our beliefs please visit the Anglican Church in North America website.
If you’d like to learn more about following Jesus on the Anglican way, we recommend “The Anglican Way: A Guidebook” by Thomas McKenzie. You can find that book here.
Chris Wright
Director of Music and Arts
A native of Canada, he moved with his family to Texas just before high school. He studied Church Music at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor with a focus in voice and choir. He was a member of the choral group One Voice that represented the university by performing at various churches throughout Texas. He earned a Master of Pastoral Ministries from Nashotah House Theological Seminary. He and his wife Shelby are trainers of the Dale Carnegie course, and enjoy singing together in church. Chris enjoys theology, Star Trek, and all things involving C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien.
Linda Parry
Director of Children’s Discipleship
Linda Parry oversees the formation and care of some of the youngest members of our church. She is a retired teacher, having been in the classroom for over 26 years. She attended Pepperdine College, earning a degree in English, and California State University, earning a BA in Science and a Master's Degree in Education. She has been married for 32 years to Fr. Ron Parry (and loves being a clergy wife!).
Linda and Fr. Ron met when she was 10 years old at the Church of Christ in Lompoc, Calif. They have five children and six grandchildren. Linda also serves as the unofficial grandmother of the neighborhood kids, has a deep love of Space (with a good collection of Star Trek, Star Wars, Firefly, and NASA memorabilia), and is a member of the order of the Daughters of the King (an international order devoted to prayer, evangelism, and service). She loves company and cooking for the crowd, so come visit and get a tour of the Space Space after a meal.
Our Vestry
The vestry is our elected group of leaders responsible for (1) protecting the vision of our church, (2) insuring its written values, (3) upholding our financial integrity, and (4) helping the rector accomplish this ministry.
Our current vestry members:
Tom Gress
Cecily Bennett
Mark Casey
Cindy Adams
Greg Smith
Jessica Johnson
Our Bishop
The Rt. Rev. Ryan S. Reed
Consecrated bishop in the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), on Saturday, Sept. 21. He is Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, a founding diocese of the ACNA.
Before his election, Bishop Reed served as Dean of the diocesan Cathedral for 17 years. He holds an under-
graduate degree from Texas A&M University, where he belonged to the Corps of Cadets, and a Master’s Degree from Trinity School for Ministry in Pennsylvania.
You can learn more about our diocese on their website: http://www.fwepiscopal.org