Dear Parents of Young Children:
Welcome! We are grateful that you and your family have joined us at Light of Christ Anglican Church. We believe that your little ones are not just the future of the Church but already are the Church.
We seek to model the minsitry of Jesus, who when his adult disciples found the presence of children to be irritating or distracting rebuked them saying, “Let the little children come to me and do no prevent them, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Jesus recognized little children as important disciples whom he always welcomed into his presence along with their sticky faces, crys, and wiggles.
So please relax! We know it’s not easy to get the whole family to the church service, and it can be even more challenging to keep everyone sitting still. But your kids should know that the church is a place where they belong as beloved children of their Heavenly Father. When we see you and your children here, we see parents who are making God the priority in their children’s lives, and we rejoice.
We invite you to sing, pray, teach, respond, and explain while you worship. The liturgy is full of God’s Spirit, and we know that your children are learning from observing how you, along with all of God’s people, respond to him in worship.
The sound of children crying and making noise is a sign of new life. You don’t need to step out of the service for this, but no one will judge you if you do. Just please be sure to return! We pray that Light of Christ would be a place of grace and truth as you seek to lead your family in the way of Christ.
During some services we provide nursery for children under four and a children’s discipleship program for Kinder till 5th for the first part of the service. These are not required. Your children are welcome to attend the entire service if you so desire.
Dear Parishioners:
The presence of children is a gift and a sign that we are growing and God’s blessing is upon us.
Please welcome children and encourage young families. They are an answer to your prayer.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” - Matt 19:14